Thyme Infused Honey
Wild honey with infused thyme leaves! An enchanting fragrance infused with the goodness of sustainably harvested honey!
Multi floral - the Giant Rock Bees pollinate from the diverse flowers available in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, giving the honey unique colors and benefits.
Unprocessed - This honey is unprocessed - all the nutrients present in the honey remain intact right from the process of collection to bottling.
Sustainably Harvested - Methods used in the harvesting of this bottle of honey are sustainable, ensuring the bees return to the hives after the honey is collected.
Real Infused Thyme - Real, homegrown Thyme is infused in this bottle of honey, bringing you a fresh flavor in every drop of honey!
Uniform Infusion Process - Thyme leaves are infused in the honey, giving you the best of both worlds of forest honey and thyme leaves!
Eco Friendly Packing - This bottle comes in a complete eco-friendly packing - corrugated boxes tailor-made for the bottle, ensuring zero breakage and contributing to rid the planet of harmful packaging!
Know more about honey HERE.
Unique Honey Rainbow
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